Boen, Courtney E., Hannah Olson and Hedwig Lee. 2022. “Vicarious Exposure to the Criminal Legal System among Parents and Siblings.” Journal of Marriage and Family 84(5):1446-1468. doi:
This article introduces Hannah Olson and Courtney E. Boen, professors in the Department of Sociology at the University of Pennsylvania, and Hedwig Lee, a professor in the Department of Sociology at Washington University. This study explores the frequency of vicarious exposure to incarceration among parents and siblings. The findings show that racially minoritized parents and siblings, primarily black parents and siblings, experience more and earlier exposure to the criminal legal system. Although this study does not investigate the relationships between black siblings, it is still of value to our project because it identifies one way that black siblinghood experiences are disproportionately challenged compared to non-black siblinghood experiences. While our interview subjects may not have firsthand experience with the criminal legal system, they might have observed some other ways our society’s structure has negatively impacted
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