Skinner, Olivenne D., and Susan M. McHale. 2022. “Context Matters: Longitudinal Associations between Marital Relationships and Sibling Relationships in Black Families.” Family Relations 71(3):987-1003. doi: 

This article introduces Olivenne D. Skinner, a professor in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences at Wayne State University, and Susan McHale, a professor in the Department of Human Development and Family Studies at Pennsylvania State University. This study investigates associations between marital relationships and sibling relationships in Black families while also considering economic influences. The findings suggest that marital satisfaction positively impacts sibling relationships, while marital conflict can have varying effects. Furthermore, when families experience economic strain, there is more likely to be strain placed on sibling relationships as well. This article is important for our project because it illustrates the importance of family structure and stability for sibling relationships. These findings are valuable for our project because they identify two key influences on sibling relationships: parent’s marital relationships and economic stability. Overall, this study not only helps us better understand black sibling relationships but also helps us to create interview questions that address family structure and financial stability.

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