#5 Altfest – A conferen… FESTIVAL

Scott and I took a 10 minute trip down the road to VCU’s AltLab for the first Altfest a few weeks ago. Altfest was a festival of ideas about educational technology and learning. We both really enjoyed it and thought it would make for a great podcast episode.

For our 5th (do the 5th anniversary dance) episode, Scott and I talk about the Altfest experience. Some specific topics we discuss are the need for Makerspaces on campus, the benefits of quality wordpress installations in the classroom, and much more! Hope you enjoy!

#4 Education in 3D

In this episode of UR Tech Savvy, Scott and I talk about emerging 3D imaging and modeling technologies and how they impact modern education. We are particularly excited about this topic because we just bought a Oculus Rift DK2 for the CTLT and are looking for uses here at the University of Richmond. Hope you enjoy the podcast


#3 Is the camera dead?

Kodak_Brownie_Flash_IIIIn this episode of UR Tech Savvy, we take on the question “is the camera dead?” With the explosion of “cellphones” that double as high quality cameras, is there a use for stand-alone or single-function cameras anymore? As two experienced SLR photographers, Scott and I talk about how all these cellphone/cameras are altering the educational experience on campus and ways that faculty can benefit. Hope you enjoy!

Here is a link to the fascinating Feltron talk we mention during the podcast.