#16 – Internet Access

At the most recent F8 Facebook conference, CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced new initiatives for expanding internet access across the world saying “We stand for connecting every person, for a global community, for bringing people together, for giving everyone a voice.” In this episode of URTechSavvy Scott and I discuss the technologies behind what it means to be ‘connected’ but we also dive into the social and economical issues associated with having reliable, affordable internet. Enjoy!


Google Project Loon

Facebook F8 Projects


#15 Virtual Reality and the Educational Experience

The story of educational technology can be told through the history of various technological “tipping points” — times when a conceptual technology becomes real due to the development of new hardware. These are points in time when science fiction turns into reality. Scott and I believe that virtual reality’s “tipping point” is near. In this episode of URTechSavvy, we explore the new hardware and discuss their potential as an effective educational tool.

Links Mentioned during podcast:

A Trip to the Moon / Le Voyage dans la lune – 1902 



Google Cardboard


Samsung Gear VR

Elders in VR

Grandma on the roller coaster:

Mother in Dinosaur museum: “How’d you get a museum in this?”

Granny in the Oculus

The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore

#14 The Future of the Living Room

Most are familiar with the term “cord-cutter”. For those unfamiliar, it refers to households that stop paying for their cable box. Is that term even relevant today? The idea of cable is foreign to many college students and we are entering into a new post-cord cutter era. For this podcast, Scott and I talk about this new era and the devices that are driving online viewing. Hope you enjoy!

#13 A Baker’s Dozen Recap

For the last 12 episodes Scott and I have talked about a specific technology, today we talk about them all. Technology changes so fast we felt the need to do an recap issue of the UR Tech Savvy podcast. Exciting news on technologies we’ve talked about in the past seems to happen every day so we decided to discuss them this week. Hope you enjoy!

#12 Wonderful WordPress!

There is a lot of exciting blogging happening at the University of Richmond these days. With the addition of Ryan Brazell (a WordPress WIZ), the CTLT is becoming a hub for thoughtful, educational approaches to blogging. We have helped over 19 classes this semester add a blogging component and are looking to add even more next semester.  Check out the current semester blogs at blog.richmond.edu and get in touch with your liaison if you are interested in blogging in the future.

In this week’s podcast we are joined by Ryan and the three of us talk all things WordPress – hope you enjoy!



#11 Back to School Applications

Today there are so many great apps out there it can be difficult to distinguish the good from the great. Scott and I got together a few weeks ago, during the back to school rush, to discuss some of our favorite educational, productivity, health, storytelling apps…. basically all of our favorite apps! Hope you find some of our tips helpful!


#10 News: what it is? how do you get it? why should we care?

How do you get informed? The way we receive “the news” has evolved over the last century, and technology has played a large roll in that evolution. Just 30 years ago, most people were informed by newspapers and the broadcast news. Today, we have a seemingly endless supply of sources to deliver us news: Facebook, Google, Twitter, Podcasts, Radio, TV… the list goes on and on. In our latest show, Scott and I talk about this evolution and specifically how technology alters our experience. Hope you enjoy!


#8 Who’s behind the wheel? Are driverless cars coming?

This week Scott and I discuss the future of transportation. Some argue the greatest technological disruption in the near future will occur in the transportation sector. How will we get from point A to point B? Will computers take over driving responsibilities? What will the culture, social, and ethical repercussions be? How will this drastically altered transportation model effect the education system. We cover all these awesome questions PLUS introduce our new colleague in the CTLT, Ryan Brazell. I gotta be honest, this is a great podcast. Hope you enjoy!

Additional Information

Medium.com Self Driving Trucks

telegraph.co.uk Ten ways that driverless cars will change the world

Gizmodo.com Self driving taxis cut greenhouse emissions?

#7 Music – How streaming services are changing the game

Music is something that Scott and I love. It’s also an interesting topic because it touches on so many of the issues we love to talk about here in the CTLT: technology, culture, and innovation. The way that society has consumed music has drastically shifted in the last century, particularly in the last 25 years. We have gone from buying physical tapes/CDs to renting access to online streaming music. We are in the midst of a new shift in the culture and technology surrounding music. Streaming music, having (legal) access to tens of millions of song at the push of a button, is changing the way we interact and even think about music. In light of the recently released Apple Music, Scott and I talk about these shifts and how they impact us and the education technology landscape. Hope you enjoy the episode!


The New Yorker: The anxious ease of apple music

The Verge: Apple Music review

#6 Folders, files, backups OH MY

Is your desktop a cluttered mess? Do you have a little voice in your head that says maybe I should backup my files once and a while? This installment of UR Tech Savvy, Scott and I talk about solutions for folder organization and backups. It’s an exciting time in storage news as more and more companies are offering (nearly) free and (nearly) unlimited cloud storage. Hope you enjoy!