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2017-18, Page 5

Brief for 09/17

This article, The Technology of Gender, is heavily filled with the substance of social concepts and relations regarding Gender. In the core …

Brief for 9/17/18

Teresa de Lauretis analyzes and explores the different meanings and potentials of gender through the notion of power. Whether that be through …

Brief for 9/17

In the section we read from Technologies of Gender, Teresa de Lauretis comes to three major conclusions about gender. She elaborates on …

Brief 9/12

Power relations are imbedded in society and never clearly seen. They are like ghosts sliding through social dogmas. How we define and …

Brief 9/12

Based on my reading of Avery Gordon’s “her shape and his hand”, it is pertinent to first understand that “life is complicated” …

Brief for 9/10

Can You be Black and Look at This? Elizabeth Anderson made several well validated points throughout this article. She talked about how …

Brief for 9/10

Can You Be Black Looking At This? In the article, Can you be BLACK and Look at This?: Reading the Rodney King …

Racial Formation Brief

In our reading on racial formation, two major questions were addressed: what is racism and what is race. A formal definition of …

Brief for 9/5

In Racial Formation in the United States From the 1960s to the 1990s, Michael Omi and Howard Winant define race as “a …

Brief for 9/3

adrienne marie brown wrote Emergent Strategy after being inspired by Octavia Butler’s Parable of the Sower. Although I disagreed with many of …