The three most notable characters in The Rocky Horror Picture Show when analyzing the relationship between societal gender and sexual norms are Brad, Janet, and Dr. Frank-N-Furter. To truly understand their interactions during the latter’s performance of “Sweet Transvestite”, it is important to contextualize what each character represents through the lens of gender expression and sexuality of a society dominated by heteronormative and binary views on sexuality and gender respectively.


Brad and Janet in the earlier moments of the film, before having interacted with Dr. Frank-N-Furter. “Janet Rocky Horror.” Digital Image. Pinterest. 1975. Accessed April 29, 2020.

Though they largely represent the same principles in the scene, there are slight differences between Janet and Brad that merit introducing and examining them individually. What first sticks out about Janet is the aura of innocence that her character conveys as a result of the way she looks. Sporting lightly colored clothing (which traditionally represents purity, particularly white) while also looking young with her rosy makeup and hair, her appearance helps her fit perfectly into the look of a young, innocent wife to be. This demeanor is further illustrated by her hiding behind Brad throughout much of the scene, which also points to the conventional gender roles of the man protecting the family, despite Brad’s utter lack of control over the situation himself. Understanding how the film cultivates a representation of society’s ideals of purity and innocence through Janet is essential to understanding the interactions she has with Dr. Frank-N-Furter, most notably the gradual decline of timidness and reliance on Brad Janet displays throughout the scene (3:27-4:04).

This development, which seems to turn to genuine excitement on Janet’s part as she holds onto each and every one of Dr. Frank-N-Furter’s words, is relevant considering the possible implications it holds for  the relationship of the roles between men and women. At the end of the performance, rather than continuing to hide behind Brad, Janet is standing out on her own, taking in the situation and growing more and more confident and intrigued as it wears on. Her expanding sexual independence, along with the decay of her reliance on Brad, serve as indicators for her growth as a more independent woman, which, at the time of the film’s release, was not in-line with societal views on how heterosexual relationships should operate, providing another layer for the challenging of social norms undertaken by the film.


Brad and Janet in Dr. Frank-N-Furter’s home at the beginning of the film. “Barry Bostwick and Susan Sarandon in ‘The Rocky Horror Picture Show’, 1975.” Digital Image. Pinterest. 1975. Accessed April 10, 2020.

Brad is a notorious figure in the world of Rocky Horror, often being jeered as an “Ass” by fans at viewings, and but it’s unclear as to why.2 Dressed in the most bland brown jacket and slacks with glasses and hair that make him look like a failed Clark Kent, Brad is, in a word, boring. There is, however, little that points to him being deserving of title “ass”.2 This is especially clear when he is juxtaposed with the many characters of the show, particularly Dr. Frank-N-Furter, who exudes a degree of energy that Brad is woefully unfamiliar with. Simply put, he is outclassed by the ensemble in every regard, from the way they dress to the way they move, making him seem robotic when compared to the energetic and fun ways in which they express themselves.

Unlike Janet, Brad’s attitude does not seems to change throughout the song, as he instead maintains his relative naivety to the situation around him. This, perhaps, is where he gains his moniker as an ass; rather than realizing and opening up to the situation around him, like Janet did, Brad instead remains ignorant of the sexual energy involved. This, in a way, likens him to the more conservative wings of society who, once introduced to Glam, rejected it on its notions of sex and gender expression, whereas Janet began to accept and open up to it as an exciting possibility. While a degree of discomfort is anticipated, as displayed by Janet, Brad seems completely unaware of the situation around him or the meaning of the display before him. That, perhaps, is why he is an “ass”; his complete lack of awareness, coupled with the more exciting people around him, leaves him as the de facto conservative “ass” who seems to be more of a party pooper than the gradually receptive Janet.

Dr. Frank-N-Furter

Dr. Frank-N-Furter during his performance of “Sweet Transvestite.” “Tim Curry as Dr. Frank-N-Furter in ‘The Rocky Horror Picture Show’, 1975.” Digital Image. Pinterest. 1975. Accessed April 29, 2020.

Dr. Frank-N-Furter is far from typical, even by today’s much more relaxed definition of the term. Sporting a heavy layer of white face makeup, lipstick, eye shadow, pearl necklace, black lingerie, and high heels, Dr. Frank-N-Furter  does not fit society’s standard view of what a man should look like. Instead, his very existence challenges society’s standard views of gender expression, tip toeing between what society has defined as masculine and feminine traits in an expressive and passionate manner. Each syllable of every word that comes out of his mouth is well-calculated, displaying varying timbres while alternating between more masculine and feminine deliveries of certain words. Essential to his vocal delivery are the physical attributes that accompany them; walking around with overemphasized struts in his aforementioned high heels, Dr. Frank-N-Furter exudes sexual energy with each step he takes. Everything he does and everything he wears is in its own way a spectacle, with thought and passion going into his every move. This is, in effect, how he cultivates his extravagance; everything about him and everything he does is larger than life, and is a spectacle in and of itself.

Dr. Frank-N-Furter dancing on stage during his performance of “Sweet Transvestite.” “He’s just a sweet transvestite from Transexual, Transylvania.” Digital Image. Ronald Grant Archive. 1975. Accessed April 29, 2020.

The most important role that Dr. Frank-N-Furter plays is that of a teacher. While he is not fit the criteria for a standard academic, he provides avenues for Brad and Janet to discover components of gender and sexuality that, without his influence, would be absent from their lives. This itself is indicative of how Glam attempts to not only challenge social norms, but introduce and standardize new avenues of expression. Without his guidance and introduction of new and passionate ways of expression, it could easily be surmised that Janet and Brad would have continued in their old ways, remaining in their bubble until prompted by a similarly enigmatic figure to try something new and redefine how they express themselves in terms of their sexuality and gender.


  1. De Lutiis, Angelo. “The Rocky Horror Picture Show “Sweet Transvestite”.” Filmed [1975]. YouTube video. Posted [May 21, 2010].
  2. Paulzonkey. “Rocky Horror at the Varsity Theater Late 70s Michael Stipe & Vladimir Noskov.” YouTube video. Posted [April 23, 2010].
  3.  Schiff, Mark. “Interview: Barry Bostwick Talks ‘Rocky Horror’ and Whether or Not Brad Majors Was an Asshole.” AXS, October 13, 2017.