Final Reflection

This class has allowed me to be more of a critical thinker, which will aid my understanding of the world we live in outside of this campus. I am now equipped with the tools to be a thinker that breaks down the walls that society has placed. After taking this course, I feel that I will look at systems of oppression differently and be more mindful of people’s actions, thoughts, and beliefs. Also, I feel that I have become more comfortable within the classroom setting and being myself during discussions and projects. This class community has showed me how my opinion matters and how discussions are formed by engaging with peers and having difficult conversations.

Presenting at 6PIC was an interesting experience for me. I enjoyed having an audience to share my project with and having a space where I felt my project was valued. Being able to have a space where public knowledge production is cherished felt good as the producer of my media. Volunteering my whole life and maintaining my exposure to non-profit organizations made me feel comfortable in this space because it felt similar to other spaces I had been previously. I am excited to continue going ‘beyond the bubble’ and exploring activities outside of this campus to connect with more individuals and create interpersonal relationships. Thank you Professor Chaz for giving us the opportunity to move outside the bubble and engage with an audience that we otherwise would not have had.