Madison Moore !

madison moore’s discussion on nightlife and the concept of the “nocturnal self” made me reflect on my own nightlife. He described nightlife as a space of world making and boundary crossing. The nighttime has a connotation to deal with things we aren’t supposed to do, something that is dark and forbidden compared to daytime. I think there is more to why nighttime has this reputation as popular culture and the media has produced an image of nighttime having to do with parties, drugs, alcohol, sex, and other activities in movies and tv shows.

With some of the images madison shared, I felt a sense of empowerment as I appreciated and was enthralled by the different people he showed us. By being creative and unique, each person opened up an intersectional space for others to identify with them and express their fabulousness. In a way, the images he shared queered and restructured the way I looked at ordinary items and fashion, in general. Image result for madison moore

During madison moore’s presentation, I caught myself reflecting on my personal style as a reaction to oppression. He talked about “undoing yourself from the systems” and I found this interesting because I never saw style as a political resistance. Madison seems to enjoy disrupting space and he communicated a message of feeling comfortable in the way he is and dresses as. I admire this aspect of who he is as I struggle to be comfortable with the uncomfortable, but I am slowly working to get over this concept as I have learned through his class that disrupting the public space says more about the person you are and less about the people around you, if that makes sense. In a summary by the Yale University Press describing moore’s book that he passed out in class, they quote: “moore positions fabulousness as a form of cultural criticism that allows those who perform it to thrive in a world where they are not supposed to exist.” Madison talked about aking “fabulousness” out to public space as an aesthetic practice and I had never thought about that until now.