Additions to the Character Chart

The chart that Logan posted looks great, especially the lists of adjectives.

There are just a few things I might add.

1. I like that you noted Willy’s plain attire, and I think it is also important to note Willy’s age, despite his often childish irritability and attitude. Miller makes a point of saying that Willy is “dressed tiredly.” Also, Willy is reluctant to get new glasses, so he is wearing old ones. Willy is past sixty years of age and has been worn down over the years.

2. Happy is described as “well-built” and he is also ambitious, but living in delusion, just like his father. Happy is also self-centered, vain, and hedonistic.

-Mary Beth

In Progress…

Hey there! It’s Mary Beth here and I just wanted to write to let you know that I’m here working on things… I know it’s kinda terrible that I haven’t made all of my official posts yet, but I’ll have more up shortly—-

As for our “final post” or page that Walter was talking about, should we agree on this and post a specific page?  Are we supposed to edit the template, or compile everything into a page?  Is either one ok?

Erica Brotzman – Units Analysis

UNIT 1 — "It's all downhill from here"

  • Willy returns home — Linda wakes
  • Linda wakes — Linda questions
  • Linda questions –Willy explains
  • Willy explains – Linda suggests
  • Linda suggests – Willy justifies
  • Willy justifies – Linda concedes


Summary of Action – Willy returns home unexpectedly to a concerned wife, who makes suggestions regarding his current employment situation. 


Unit 2 – "PMS"

  • Willy inquires (of sons) – Linda explicates
  • Linda explicates – Willy bitches          
  • Willy bitches – Linda defends
  • Linda defends – Willy revokes
  • Willy revokes – Linda dotes
  • Linda dotes – Willy rants
  • Willy rants – Sons awaken

Summary of Action — Willy changes the topic of conversation with Linda to his sons and their situations and they eventually are awakened by his ranting and raving. **please feel free to edit/comment/review.  The more brains the better.

Erica Brotzman — Help

Hey guys,

I’ve organized the bullet points of the dramatic action but I’m having a little trouble with the “imagistic descriptive phrase” for the units.  Also we only have to breakdown 2 units right?  Also, i’m a tad confused about where to break up my units.  Any suggestions??

Right now I have the first unit ending when his sons wake up after his return. and the 2nd when the household goes to sleep after Willy’s return. How does that sound?