Sam B.- How is it different pt. 1

Time-  The perception the characters have of time in the play is skewed.  Often they mistake a passage of time to be much longer than it actually was, or much shorter.  The audience, however, can only guess at these things however, because questions of time are never answered.


Repetition of spoken words-  Very often the characters repeat lines or words over and over again.  This is different from reality.  It seems as though they are doing it to derive some reason out of what they are saying.


Motivation of those Waiting-  As the watcher of the play observes, there is really no reason for the two men to keep coming back to the tree each day.  The amount of time is insignificant, we are meant to understand that they will keep coming back forever.


Importance of Situations-  The gravity of many situations is skewed.  Why don't the two men help Pozzo up immediately?  Their casual conversation as he is begging for help is definitely different from reality.


Food-  All that remains for the men to eat are carrots, turnips, radishes, and bones.  I fond it interesting that the first three are almost like what one would feed a horse, such as the one Lucky is trying to be.


Treatment of Servant-  One of the most noticeable differences from reality is in the treatment of Lucky.  What is the purpose of treating him like a beast of burden?


Circular Path of Reasoning-  There are never conclusions in the play, only discussions.  These discussions become arguments until Vladimir and Estragon get distracted or just drop the subject.


Longing for Death-  Certainly in reality men do not seriously discuss how unhappy they are or how they would love to hang themselves if they only had the means. 


Quickness of Changes that Normally take a Long Time

            Tree- In one day has grown full leaves

            Blindness-  In one day Pozzo has gone blind

One thought on “Sam B.- How is it different pt. 1”

  1. Sorry, some of these are repetitions, or at least close to repetitions, but i think this is pretty good. Also, I omitted some of the ones I saw were already up here, like the names and memory.

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