Exposition and Forwards – Act II Scenes 3 & 4

by Amy Szerlong

Act II, Scene 3

Exposition: (As categorized by who knows what€¦)

  • Duke is disguised as the friar (only audience knows this)
  • Claudio is to die tomorrow (only some know€¦Juliet actually finds out at the end of this scene)


  • Everyone learns that the sex between Juliet and Claudio was consensual, and that they loved each other (This urges the Duke to clear Claudio's name, since this act is not as lecherous as once thought€¦)

Act II, Scene 4


  • Isabella goes to Angelo to plead for her brother's forgiveness (only she, her brother, and disguised duke know)


  • Angelo asks Isabella for her virginity in exchange for her brother's life
  • Isabella rejects Angelo's request; goes to ready her brother for his death

So I feel as though I’m running a bit short on exposition here, especially in scene 4. If anyone has anything I missed in either category, please feel free to comment!