Main actions

By Eric Houdek

Alright, I think it might be a good idea to post some of the important actions that occured during the play, some of them coming directly from our discussion. 

-The Duke grants Angelo temporary leadership of Vienna. 

-Claudio is taken to prison for having sexual involvement outside of mariage. 

-Claudio asks Lucio to find his sister Isabella, so Isabella can appeal for him on Claudio’s behalf. 

-The Duke goes to a monastary and asks Friar Thomas to hide him so he can observe Angelo. 

-Isabella agrees to leave the monastery to help Claudio.

-Isabella goes to Angelo to beg for forgiveness.  Mentions that she wishes to bribe him. 

-Angelo realizes he has desire for Isabella.  Tells Isabella to return the next day.

-Angelo makes his proposal to Isabella-to have sexual relations with him to save Claudio’s life. 

-Isabella denies Claudio’s proposal. 

-Isabella visits Claudio in jail, tells him about Angelo’s proposal. 

-Angelo asks Isabella to follow the proposal, Isabella rebukes him.   

-Duke hatches plan involving Mariana, and tells Isabella about it. 

-Duke introduces Mariana to Isabella, the three discuss the plan. 

 * I still need to add more actions, feel free to ammend, add, or disagree.