
GIS Courses offered at University of Richmond

GEOG 260: Introduction to Geographic Information Systems

Concepts of mapping and spatial analysis using the ArcView GIS software package.   Includes map analysis, data presentation, analysis of spatial relationships, the creation of spatial and tabular data, and the introduction of ArcView software extensions.

GEOG 280: Special Topic – Maps and Geovisualizations 

Designed to expose students to fundamentals of map reading and interpretation;      introduction to spatial data visualization technologies. It covers topics such as         projections and scale, critical map interpretation, and principles of cartography.       Students should emerge from the course with greater exposure to GIS data sources, web mapping, and visualization techniques.

GEOG 365: Advanced Spatial Analysis

Advanced topics in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) theory and application.   Topics include use of the Spatial Analyst, 3-D Analyst, raster data sets, the Idrisi Software System, projects in environmental location analysis, retail site location, and application of GIS techniques to biological, environmental, and social science issues.


Geospatial Technology Courses

GIS Courses offered at University of Richmond GEOG 260: Introduction to Geographic Information Systems Concepts of mapping and spatial analysis using the ArcView GIS software package.   Includes map analysis, data presentation, analysis of spatial relationships, the creation of spatial and tabular data, and the introduction of ArcView software extensions. GEOG 280: Special Topic – Maps …

Other Courses Using the SAL

Fall 2017 FYS 100 –  Knowing and Changing in the Face of Adversity  – Dr. Mavis Brown As part of their Food Justice unit, students in this FYS explore the spatial dimensions of “food deserts” in the Richmond region. Students examine the questions: What is a food desert? How is this definition limiting to some …

Research Posters

Independent and collaborative student research is one of the cornerstones of the Spatial Analysis Lab’s approach to teaching GIS and spatial analysis. Our students and alumni have had great success presenting their research at conferences all over the US and even internationally. Below are some of our recent research projects: American Association of Geographers Meeting, …