- Begin the search for summer 2017 or post-graduate employment. Continue thinking about what type of professional you want to be and the type of work settings you might enjoy. Identify your career goals and employment skills.
- Continue thinking about where you want to live and work next summer and after graduation. Think broadly about geographic preferences including areas where you have connections, or where there is a robust legal practice but fewer recent law graduates.
- Continue thinking about post-graduate employment. If undecided about the area of law in which you want to specialize or the area of the country in which you are headed, make an appointment to see your advisor.
- Continue building and updating your employment search network tracking document that identifies relatives, friends, teachers, attorneys, alumni, business associates, and other acquaintances you can contact to learn more about employment opportunities. Communicate with your contacts about your law school career and any future employment goals. Meet as many people as you can to expand your network, talk about career options, and assess your own interests.
- If you want to interview with employers in a city where you are spending your summer, or you will travel to a city where you want to work next summer or post-grad, send a resume and cover letter now to request a preliminary interview before you return to school.
- Use various career-related resources available online (e.g., Martindale Hubbell, NALP Directory, PSJD, Government Honors & Internships Handbook) to research and identify legal employers that hire 2Ls in your preferred geographic and practice areas.
- Meet with your career advisor in person or by phone for resume review and employment search advising. Submit an updated resume draft and cover letters for review to your career advisor by mid-July for review and comment.
- Submit applications to employers participating in On Campus Interviews. The application period is open and the first deadline is July 24.
- Check bar examination requirements for the state(s) in which you plan to look for employment.