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by Ben Rigney (L’22)

Being a first-generation law student presents unique challenges. One of those challenges is networking: As a first-generation law student, there isn’t a built-in network of attorneys to look to for job prospects. What I found, however, is that leaning on existing networks can yield major benefits on the job search.

I spent my first summer in law school interning for Judge Frank W. Rogers in the Roanoke City Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court (working for Judge Rogers was amazing and I would highly recommend every law student spend time working for a judge). I found the job by asking my dad, who does not work in the legal field, if he knew any judges in the area (he did not). However, the very next day he ran into a local judge at a charity 5k, which resulted in that judge (a Richmond Law alumni) taking me out to lunch and ultimately recommending me to Judge Rogers.

While that may sound like luck, I would contend that each of us has a network that can help us find work. Let people know you are looking, and you’ll be amazed at how much people are willing to help you!

Ben Rigney interned for the Roanoke City Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court during his 1L summer. He is working for the Halperin Law Center for summer 2021.