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Originally published by Culture and Manners Institute

True story: once there were two employees. They had the same position, the same skill set and nearly identical backgrounds. They were both twenty-something, still green out of college.

There was one difference. One was very docile and congenial. The other, very vocal about her politics.

Her candidate was the only one. Who in their right mind would vote for anyone else? The other candidate was not even remotely qualified. Totally brainless. What a jerk. Anyone who didn’t agree with her was a moron. How could anyone be so stupid?

This went on day after day in the workplace. Then the unthinkable happened. The organization had a layoff. It could only keep one of the two who had the same position, the same skill set and nearly identical backgrounds. The vocal one was let go. You could say, the decision was political.

You don’t have to avoid discussions of politics in the workplace. You just have to be civil. Despite your differences, you still have to work together. It’s not just politics. There are disputes over management decisions, who took the last cup of coffee without making the next pot and whether or not Tom Brady is completely replaceable.

What does it mean to be civil? Listen to other people’s points of view. Be respectful in your response. Do not raise your voice or start an argument. If the other person starts to get angry or upset, change the subject. Don’t stew, let it go. Tomorrow, start with a clean slate.

What about the employee who kept her job? The congenial one? She had one more thing in common with the one who was let go. They favored the same candidate.