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By The Culture and Manners Institute

“They say they will call. Then I never hear from them again.”

If we had to whittle networking down to three simple steps, it would be:

  1. Approach people with enthusiasm
  2. Ask questions (gather info)
  3. Follow-up

Sometimes we focus so intensely on the first two, we forget the most essential part of networking: the follow-up.

If we take someone’s business card and say, “I will call you next week because I would like to learn more about your organization…” or “I’ll email you about going out for coffee…” that’s a commitment. Just as with R.S.V.P.s, we need to honor our commitments.

Send an email.
Make a phone call.
Mail a card.
Send an invite to connect on LinkedIn.

When connecting with someone new on LinkedIn, avoid the generic invite. Instead, personalize it with a brief message about where you met or why you want to connect.

After an event, review any business cards you have collected and try to visualize each person. That will help with name recall. LinkedIn is also great for helping with name recall. Cover up the names of your contacts and try to identify the faces.

Sometimes students walk away from a networking event disappointed. “No one offered me a job.”

Networking is not about instant gratification. Networking is about building relationships and that first contact at a networking event is only the beginning of your relationship. It’s up to you to follow through.