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Fall 2015, Page 2

One Group- Synopsis of Course

We started off by analyzing different arguments and how to accept multiple perspectives. We saw how over time different interpretations emerged. Later …

Allegory and the Senses (oatmeal)

Allegorical readings reject the “literal sense” of a story because they allow for personal interpretations to effect the meaning. In society today, …

Fab 4- Documentary Hypothesis

To begin, we have defined the Documentary Hypothesis as the idea that four different sources throughout different time periods wrote the first …

Minute Paper 9/3

JayDee, RJ, Katherine, Danyal The Documentary Hypothesis states that four specific documents (JEDP), with unique writing styles and messages, were threaded together …

The Discourse Thinking Excercise

One of the main things our group discussed was the significance of book ordering in the Hebrew Bible compared to the Christian …

Dissoi Logoi

A key concept we touched on was diversity, and the importance of understanding different perceptions and the circumstantial nature of these perceptions. …