Aesthetics in Imagery

This photo juxtaposes an edited and unedited photo. In the second photo the colors are more vivid, the landscape is brightened, and the quality is clear. The photo on the right has aesthetic appeal because of the enhanced beauty. It transports the viewer inside the picture after it captures your attention and is pleasing to the eye. The concept of aesthetic has an emotional appeal to the observer and makes them feel a connection to the photo and produces some kind of emotional reaction. It brings to life the figure in the picture and gives a true to life depiction of the focus of the picture.

I put together this image and text with Microsoft Word and found the picture on Google Images that was taken by the photographer Jen Shannon. I love her photography and how she captures animals in the outdoors. I thought this picture was a great example of an edited versus an unedited picture and clearly outlined why aesthetics make a difference.