Teaching Economics With Children’s Literature: Money: A Rich History


Money: A Rich History by Jon Anderson illustrated by Thor Wickstrom is a history of money explained from the perspective of a child, Bill Green. Bill's teacher asked her students to write a report on any subject. Since Bill loved money it was only natural that he research and report about his favorite subject.

Bill learns a lot along the way. He begins explaining how today we work for money and then we go and spend it.  His report takes the reader through the history of the system of money and explains that money wasn't always used as the medium of exchange. He explains that before money was used people traded things, usually natural resources. There is a chart showing what some countries used as money. For example Guatemala used corn, Norway used dried cod and in India they used almonds. He also explains that money is used for exchanging what you have for what you want. Later people began using gold as a medium for exchange, evolving into coins and finally paper currency. He also briefly explains how money is made and even what happens to it when it is old and can no longer be used.

Curriculum Connections
Money: A Rich History is suitable for 2nd through 4th graders and compliments Virginia SOL 2.7. It is written from the perspective of a child. This book can easily be used for lessons explaining how money is used and what it represents. It can also be used as a spring board for discussing natural resources of different countries.

Additional Resources

  •   This website offers several activity ideas. I recommend #34024 and #91287.  
  • A Power Point presentation of a lecture about economics. It’s an overview that can be used as an introduction to economics. It might be best to use this Power Point presentation in sections rather than all at once. I think students will find the story telling presentation style more interested than a standard ppt lecture.
  • A lesson plan distinguishing the differences between needs and wants and how this relates to economics.

Book: Money: A Rich History
Jon Anderson
Illustrator: Thor Wickstrom
Publisher: Grosset & Dunlap
Publication Date: 2003
Pages: 30
Grade Range: 2-4
ISBN: 0448432056

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