Who Said Red?, written by Mary Serfozo and illustrated by Keiko Narahashi, is a story where a young boy has lost his red kite. He and his sister frolic through the countryside landscape looking for his kite while exploring different objects and their colors. Along the way the sister tries to distract the brother by asking him if he really means another color instead of red. “A pickle green, A big frog green, A leaf, a tree, a green bean green. Did you say green?” The brother is insistent that he said red. After their journey through color identification, the boy finds his kite and shows his sister that he meant red.
Curriculum Connections
This book will assist in teaching students physical science by investigating the physical properties of an object, specifically the colors of objects. (SOL K.4a) Who Said Red? also helps students with understanding that sets of objects can be separated into groups based on a physical characteristics. (SOL 1.1c) Lastly, students can explore this book while developing their sensory descriptors by seeing how common objects are described. (SOL K.2b)
Additional Resources
- Color The Rainbow is an online story that teaches the colors of the rainbow by relating each color to a familiar object.
- Rainbow Cards Color Game is a game that is played with flashcards. These flashcards have black and white images on them and the students are to name the color that the object should be.
- A printable booklet that has different items that are red. There is a page that has a black and white object the students are to color in red. On the last page they are required to draw and color a picture of their own red object.
General Information
Book: Who Said Red?
Author:Mary Serfozo
Illustrator:Keiko Narahashi
Publisher: Aladdin
Publication Date: 1992
Pages: 32
Grade Range: K-2
ISBN: 0689715927