Introduction and Summary:
Springs by David Glover is an easy to read book that explains of functions of many different types of springs. The book is filled with many pictures and illustrations and every other page provides a “fact file” about springs. This book offers clear definitions for compression and tension. It highlights the use of springs in doors, beds, chairs, locks, umbrellas, pens, scales, bicycles and even staplers.
Curriculum Connections:
This book can be used as a starting point to a lesson on simple machines and how they function. Perhaps by first asking students how many springs they think might be in their classroom. It is a good resource in reference to SOL 3.2(b) types of simple machines and 3.2(d) examples of simple and compound machines found in the the school, home, and work environments. It is appropriate for demonstrating how simple machines are everywhere and that people use them every day. The book also provides a glossary of terms on the last page.
Additional Resources:
How Springs Work: website that explains how springs work, what they are made from and what they are used for.
Simple Machines Lesson Plan: lesson plan that briefly discusses Leonardo da Vinci and his use of simple machines.
Simple Machines Activity: in this activity students have to decide which simple machines to use to try to repair a house.
General Information:
Book: Springs
Author: David Glover
Publisher: Rigby Interactive Library
Publication Date: 1997
Pages: 24
Grade Range: 3-4
ISBN: 1-4034-0060-1