Teaching Civics with Children’s Literature: George Washington: Solider, Hero, President

George Washington: Solider, Hero, President by Justine and Ron Fontes is a great book that provides students with many facts about George Washington. This book contains a lot of good pictures that give examples of what George Washington has done. Additionally, this book separates George Washington’s life into different categories which makes it easier for students to follow. This book also gives extra stories and facts for students who are more advanced and are interested in learning more. The illustrations in this book are very colorful, which will help engage the students.

“Much of Virginia was not yet mapped when George Washington’s father bought land for a big farm called a plantation. George was born there on February 11, 1732, and was followed by 5 brothers and sisters.”

Curriculum Connection
This book could be used to introduce the topic of George Washington into the classroom. The book provides excellent examples of what George Washington did throughout his life. (SOL 3.11b+2. 11) This book could also be used as a station activity where the students look to the book to answer questions about George Washington. Additionally, for students who are more advanced this book could be used to challenge students.
Additional Resources

  • Scrambling Puzzles is a great website for students to go to challenge their knowledge on George Washington. There are many different puzzles for the students to complete.
  • Learning About George Washington is a great resource for teachers. This website provides many great ideas for teachers to incorporate into the classroom.
  • George Washington website is a great resource for teachers. This website provides many great resources that teachers can use in the classroom.


Book: George Washington Solider, Hero, President
Author: Justine and Ron Fontes
Publisher:Dorling Kindersley
Publication Date: 2001
Grade Range: 1-3
ISBN: 0-7894-7378-x

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