Teaching Geography with Children’s Literature: My America


My America A Poetry Atlas of the United States selected by Lee Bennett Hopkins illustrated by Stephen Alcorn is a great book that includes many important facts about each state. This book of poem is a creative way for students to learn about the different states and regions. The illustrations in the book make it appealing to many children. The illustrations make the poems come to life. This book is a great teaching tool for students.

On the east bank of the Potomac,
lies Washington D.C.,
the capital of our Nation
which stands for liberty

Curriculum Connection
This book could be used to read a poem each day about the different regions of the United States. This book can also help the students learn more information about our Nation’s capital and information about Virginia. (SOL 1.4 d) This book could be very useful at a station where the students could take time to look at the illustrations and poems. There is so much for the students to look at so it could take the students some time to go through.
Additional Resources
Teaching ideasis a great resource for teachers to go to when looking for creative ideas about teaching geography. This website has great activities for students to complete.
Activities for kids provides teachers with activities for their students to complete. These activities get the students involved in the learning. This website provides good ideas to introduce geography.
This articleis a great tool for teachers. This article provides many good resources for teachers and excellent ways on implementing activities in the classroom.
General Information
: My America
Author: Lee Bennett Hopkins
Illustrator: Stephen Alcorn
Publisher: Simon and Schuster Children’s Publishing
Publication Date: 2000
Grade Range: 1-5
ISBN: 0-689-81247-7

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