Teaching Life Science with Children’s Literature:How a Seed Grows


How a Seed Grows, written by Helene J. Jordan and illustrated by Loretta Krupinski begins by explaining the simple concept of what a seed is and what seeds can grow into.  The book explains that some seeds grow very slowly like an oak tree seed and some seeds grow fast like a bean seed.  Next, the book conducts an experiment with twelve bean seeds which are grown in eggshells.  This experiment can easily be done in the classroom.  The experiment emphasizes seeds need soil, sun, water and a place to grow.  The purpose of the experiment is for students to dig up one seed on certain days to see what has developed.  Students should be amazed on day six to see the root system growing and on day eight root hairs growing.  After a number of days, shoots will push through the soil, then the leaves will appear.  Krupinski illustrates each stage in the bean seed’s life so that the student will know what their seed should look like.  This experiment offers young children the real life experience of watching a small seed grow into a real plant.

Curriculum Connections

This book can be used as an introduction in kindergarten and first grade to study a plant’s life cycle and things that living plants need in order to grow.  In Virginia, this book applies to SOL K.6a & b – living things change as they grow and they need food, water, and air to survive; plants and animals live and die “go through a life cycle” as well as 1.4a – plants need “food, air, water, light, and a place to grow”. 

Additional Resources

How a Seed Grows – Little Book is a printable mini-book that students can color and put together.
How a Seed Grows is an adorable Sesame Street Live Video demonstrating how a seed grows
Inside A Seed– a lesson plan designed to give students an inside look to discover the beginning of a plant.
Book: How A Seed Grows
Author: Helene J Jordan
Illustrator: Loretta Krupinski
Publisher: Harper Collins
Publication Date: 1992
Pages: 32 pages
Grade Range: kg-2
ISBN: 978-006441079

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