Author Archives: Jonathan Rodriguez

White Riots vs. Black Protests

This video is something that I came across less than a year ago following events such as the death of Freddie Gray, the Baltimore protests, and the Charleston Church shooting.  In the video we see how media coverage changes based on race, with one of the best examples being that a gathering of white people is labeled as an altercation or a dispute while a gathering of black people is labeled as a riot.  In watching this video, I feel that it is interesting to see the injustice that is present in media coverage.  Furthermore, after watching a film like Central Park Five, it is clear that not much has changed in the way that the media portrays people of color.  With that said, what are your thoughts on the video and on the topic in general?   

Deadpool and the Logic of Safety


Over the years, the superhero genre has become quite popular with a variety of movies and tv shows being released every year.  To some extent, the logic of safety seems to be present as these family friendly releases are making a lot of money.  Although this formula seems to work very well, the release of the new Deadpool movie suggest that there may be changes in how superhero movies are made.  Specifically, the success of this R rated movies has inspired Marvel to consider making more R rated superhero movies.  With that said, what do you think about this possible change in the superhero genre?  Would an R rated movie be more appealing to you?  Do you think R rated superhero movies would be successful?