What Happened 11/28

Class on Tuesday 11/28 began with student presentations of solutions to the Homework 9 challenge problems.

We then made the proposition that if f:[a,b]\to R is non-decreasing (i.e. f(x)\leq f(y)\;\forall x<y\in[a,b], then \int_a^b f exists.

We then produced an outline of how to prove it, which essentially consisted of 3 steps:

a) choose arbitrary \epsilon>0

b) choose P_\epsilon\in P_{[a,b]}, with a condition that we determined to be (x_k-x_{k-1}<\frac{\epsilon}{f(b)-f(a)}


We then produced a partial proof of the following:

If g:[0,1]\to[0,1] is bijective and increasing, then \int_0^1g+\int_0^1g^{-1}=1

We first looked at a geometric argument, by drawing an example graph, to show that the sum was in fact 1.

Then, we proved that the integrals on the left side exist.

\int_0^1g followed directly from the proposition we provide the proof outline for

We then showed that g^{-1} must be increasing on the interval, which then allows us to apply the proposition

Finally, we went over the statement of the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus.


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