HW7: Challenge 5

Proof by Contradiction

Suppose f is differentiable on an interval A with f'(x) \neq 1, and f has more than 1 fixed point. Let x,y \in A such that x,y are fixed points where x \neq y. By the definition of fixed point from Weekly HW 6, f(x)=x and f(y)=y. By Theorem 5.2.3, since f is differentiable on A, then f is continuous on A. Thus, we can apply the Mean Value Theorem so that there exists a c \in (x,y) such that f'(c)= \frac{f(y)-f(x)}{y-x}. By algebra, f'(c)=\frac{y-x}{y-x}=1. This is a contradiction because f'(x) \neq 1. Thus, f has at most one fixed point.

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