HW6: Challenge 1

Assume that g is defined on an open interval (a,c) and it is known to be uniformly continuous on (a,b] and [b,c) where a<b<c. Prove that g is uniformly continuous on (a,c).



Assume g is defined on an open interval (a,c). Suppose g is uniformly continuous on (a,b] and [b,c) with a<b<c.

Suppose x\in (a,b]. Since g is uniformly continuous on (a,b], we know that for any \epsilon>0, \exists\delta_1>0 s.t for x,b\in(a,b], \mid x-b\mid<\delta_1 implies \mid g(x)-g(b)\mid<\frac{\epsilon}{2}.

Similarly suppose y\in [b,c). Since g is uniformly continuous on [b,c), we know that for any \epsilon>0, \exists\delta_2>0 s.t. for y,b\in [b,c), \mid y-b\mid<\delta_2 implies \mid g(y)-g(b)\mid<\frac{\epsilon}{2}.

Choose \delta=\min\{\delta_1,\delta_2\} so that \mid x-y\mid<\delta implies \mid x-b\mid<\delta and \mid y-b\mid<\delta. Thus, applying the triangle inequality, for all x,y\in (a,c), if \mid x-y\mid<\delta, it follows that

$\mid g(x)-g(y)\mid=\mid g(x)-g(b)+g(b)-g(y)\mid\leq\mid g(x)-g(b)\mid+\mid g(y)-g(b)\mid<\frac{\epsilon}{2}+\frac{\epsilon}{2}=\epsilon$

Thus, g is uniformly continuous on (a,c) by definition.

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