What Happened 9/19

Last Thursday we ended class with beginning to prove Theorem 2.6.4 which states that a sequence (a_n) converges \iff (a_n) is Cauchy. We picked up on Tuesday with a bit of review of this proof: We are assuming (a_n) is Cauchy and wanting to prove that (a_n) converges. Using Lemma 2.6.3 and Bolzano – Weierstress we concluded that there exists a convergent sub-sequence (a_{n_k} such that (a_{n_k} \rightarrow a. From here Dr.LeCrone brought us through his thought process and ultimately showed the class how to piece together the remainder of the proof. He did so in the following steps:

1. What is our claim? (a_n) \rightarrow a

2. What are the knowns? (a_n) is Cauchy, (a_{n_k} \rightarrow a

3. What do we WTS? \forall \epsilon > 0 \exists n \in \mathbb{N} such that |a_n - a| < \epsilon \forall n \geq N

4. What will the outline of the proof look like?

– Let \epsilon > 0

– Choose N as already given by Cauchy condition

– Let n \geq N, thus we have $|a_n – a| < \epsilon$

5. Now we need to do some of our side work and fill in the blanks between this proof. I encourage you to go over the class notes to see exactly how Dr.LeCrone did this. We basically used the triangle inequality to expand what we knew and from there fixed a K = max\{ K_1,K_2\} where we got these values from our expansion using the inequality.


Overall, he walked us through building this important proof and showed us the consequences this proof gave:

1. (a_n) diverges \iff (a_n) is not Cauchy

2. The negation of Cauchy is a much nicer way of proving divergence


We are now done with sequences and now onto series!

The remainder of class was spent going over Theroems 2.7.2 and 2.7.3 which again I encourage you to look over.


One Response

  1. Jeremy LeCrone says:

    Thank you for the overview of the lecture from Tuesday. I hope that the exploration of how to “build a proof” helped people visually the process of “creating” mathematics. 🙂

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