A Short Words Proof of N.I.P.

The Challenge: Write a monosyllabic version of a proof we have studied this semester.

Accepting the Challenge: My strategy was to choose a proof that was visually easy to understand and hope that I can convey the basic idea of the proof to the reader as an image. The proof I chose was the Nested Interval Property. Below is a more mathematically formal version of the proof. Even further below, you can find my simplified version.

Nested Interval Property:
Definition: For all n\in \mathbb{N}, let I_n = [a_n,b_n]=\{x\in\mathbb{R}:a_n\le x \le b_n\} and let I_{n+1}\subseteq I_n. Then \cap^\infty_{n=1}I_n\not=\emptyset.

Proof: For all n\in \mathbb{N}, let I_n = [a_n,b_n]=\{x\in\mathbb{R}:a_n\le x \le b_n\} and let I_{n+1}\subseteq I_n. Let A =\{a_n:n\in\mathbb{N}\}. Consider b_1. Since \forall n\in\mathbb{N}, I_n\subseteq I_1, it follows that a_1\le a_n \le b_n \le b_1. Thus, for all n\in \mathbb{N}, a_n\le b_1, so b_1 is an upper bound for A. Since A is bounded above, the axiom of completeness guarantees the existence of x=\sup(A). For all n, b_n is an upper bound for A by nestedness. But x\le b_n, since x =\sup (A). Therefore, a_n \le x\le b_n, which implies x\in I_n. Finally, x\in \cap^\infty_{n=1} I_n.\Box

Here we go…
What It Is: Let I_n be a closed span of reals such that a_n is the left most part, b_n is the right most part, and a_n is less than b_n. All the sets, I_n, can be made out by their n, where n is a whole count: 1,2,3,…. As n gets big, if each I_n lies in the past set, then the core of all the sets is not void.\\

Proof: First, let I_n be a closed span of reals, where a_n is the left most part, b is the right most part, and a_n is less than b_n. And, as n gets big, each I_n lies in the past set. Let A be the set of left most points, a_n. Let b_1 be the right most part of the first set, I_1. Since, as n gets big, I_n lies in the past set, we can say that b_1 is more than all b_n, which we know is more than a_n. Thus, a_n is less than b_1.

This means that b_1 is more than all parts in the set A and is a bound for A. Now, we use a math truth that says a set with a bound that is more than all the parts of the set will have a bound that is less than or the same as all the bounds of A. So, the set of bounds for A will have a least part. We will call this the “small bound”.

From this truth we can say that there is a small bound of A. Let x be the small bound. Then x is less than or the same as all b_n. But, we know b_n is more than all a_n, so it too is a bound for A. So, x is less than or the same as all b_n and more than or the same as all a_n. Thus, x must be in the set I_n. Then x is in the core all the sets I_n and so I_n can’t be void.\Box

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Art 1: The core of the sets I_n with x in the core. The sets I_1, I_2, I_3, I_4 are shown so as to give some sense of what the core of all the sets is.

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Art 2: Here, the sets I_1, I_2, I_3, I_4 are shown so as to give some sense of what the left most parts and right most parts are in terms of the sets.

Post Challenge: Einstein phrased it perfectly when he said, “If you can’t explain it to a six year old, you don’t understand it yourself.” I feel that this quote embodies the idea behind this challenge. By using monosyllabic words, the proof condenses down into a simple idea. Hopefully, the proof is just a bit clearer now.



Stephen Abbot, Understanding Analysis 2nd Edition

Tag, By. “A Quote by Albert Einstein.” Goodreads. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Oct. 2016.

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