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About the Research

This site is the result of an independent study that focuses on the alt-right, a white nationalist political movement that has entered the national stage in the past couple years. I examine the history of the internet and the ways in which the histories of the alt-right and of the internet overlap, the rise of the alt-right and its characteristics, and its online platforms and terminology. Then, I delve into the moments when the alt-right became publicly visible, namely in the aftermath of the election of Donald Trump and the events in Charlottesville in 2017. The alt-right now occupies space both online and offline. Increasingly, the alt-right has been a part of mainstream culture and politics through its interactions with President Trump and his administration, by hosting rallies and protests, and by claiming popular phrases and icons. Finally, I make predictions about the sustainability of the movement based on my research about its trajectory and what the alt-right looks like today.

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