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Big Wild Concert (Culture event #2)

Last weekend I went to a Big Wild concert at the National. For those who don’t know about Big Wild, his name is Jackson Stell. Stell is an electronic producer, composer, vocalist, and engineer.  In the last couple of years I have gained an increasing interest in related music genres such as electronic, trance, house, deep-house, funk, and dance. The community I have found in this world of music seems to be the epitome of ‘forget everything that is going on and just dance.’ Big Wild was able to create a great environment for a non-judgmental dance floor full of drugged twenty-something year olds in colorfully unique outfits. 

In this specific concert, Big Wild used a lot of visuals, singing, guitar, electronic maneuvering, and crowd interaction. I thought his visuals were beautiful and perfect mood setters for the songs he was playing/singing. On top of the psychedelic/rave aspect of the music, he beautifully sang choruses in his falsetto creating an almost floating feeling. Although I was an average fan of Big Wild before this concert, I have gained a higher profound respect for his musical ability as well as his ability to connect and incite a crowd. 

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