It was so great watching our adaptation of Much Ado! I think regarding all the challenges we faced, we really did a great job of rewritten the play for the students to understand and learn the play! It honestly even helped me further understand the characters and themes of the play. With COVID and having to do this project virtually we were guaranteed to have challenges. My group especially had issues communicating with our community partners, but in the end I still really enjoyed the experience. Even though our meetings were not that productive most of the time, it was so fun meeting with some of the same kids each week and talking to the ones who were so interested.

This meeting was a mess… Because there was a no show last meeting and the fact it was our last week to meet, we hoped we would be very productive and finish all the drawings. Unfortunately, we didn’t get to meet with them until 4 o’clock, giving us 20 minutes to talk with them. On top of that there were some technical issues, but communicated with them over the chat. As of right now we have pictures for scenes 1-2 and zero pictures for scenes 3-5. The kids promised to send us all the pictures by Thursday, so fingers crossed!

This week we did not meet with our group. No one answered our Google Meet Call and we emailed the teacher. Hopefully was just a mix up and we will be able to week with them for meeting 7! Our last meeting we need to finish the pictures and get the pervious ones they drew.

We had a late start to our meeting on Monday because there was a sub in class. The sub was super helpfully and interested in our project with the students. We were running a little behind our plan before this week because they kids have been a little unmotivated and not wanting to do work while we met with them, but the sub made sure none of that happened. She immediately wanted to learn what the project was and got the kids right to work! They were so productive! So by next week we just need two more drawings for the last two scenes.

This week was definitely hard getting the kids motivated to work. We all collectively read scene II, Act III and discussed what had happened, answering their questions, and ways the can draw the main ideas. However after all of that, it was tough getting them to actually work and start drawing. They promised they will have them done by next class. We hope next class they will be more motivated and into the project because we plan to do both scene III and IV.

This week was significantly better then last week. Although only two students were in class yesterday, we had a discussion on scene one. The boys didn’t feel that comfortable reading out loud so the four of us read the lines to them and then asked them questions afterwards. Both of the boys are very interested in drawing so they immediately got into drawing pictures for scene 1!  Next week we plan on doing the same thing, reading and discussing scene 2 of our act and them drawing pictures to go along.

After some technical difficulties, we started our meeting with the students discussing Much Ado and how we changed it to be more modern. Only two boys were in class that day. By the end of the meeting we were going over lines from scene 2 with the help of the teachers. Both boys were shy and nervous to read and their reading skills were not as good as we expected. However, both of the boys are very interested in art and want to draw pictures for the scenes.

The second week more students were there but there was only one teacher. It was hard to keep the kids on track and listen to our directions and none of them had an interest in reading. We learned the next time we meet with him we need to have more of a plan. We plan to give them a summary of the scene and either we read the lines to the kids or they can volunteer. After reading and discussing the scene, they will come up with ideas of how to illustrate and draw pictures to represent that scene.