Act III: St. Joseph’s Villa

Our week had a promising start after we met with Timone, one the coordinators at St. Joseph’s Villa, on Tuesday and he showed us around their campus and introduced us to a few students. We were eager to meet with our group on Thursday, and had prepared some icebreakers and theater games to get acquainted with the kids, and get them out of their comfort zones. We were ready to give and overview of Twelfth Night and a rundown of the major characters, but when we showed up on Thursday, there were no students to meet with. We spoke to Timone, and learned of a time conflict with another class that had several students interested in acting, but fortunately, my group was all able to move our meeting time up an hour to accommodate.


I received a message today from Timone saying that there will be an event in our practice space next Thursday, so we may not be meeting any of the kids we will be working with until 2 weeks from now. While this is obviously frustrating, it gives us more time to prepare our script and cut it down further, since it is one of the longest in the play. We also will be able to meet and figure out how we can use our time wisely at the Villa, because I am already getting the feeling that we may not have very many rehearsals over the course of the semester.