We were unable to meet with any of the kids from St. Joseph’s Villa this week because there was a campus-wide event that was happening in their chapel at the same time we are scheduled to meet. So our group focused on cutting down our script even further, which is difficult because Act III is long and we do not want to have our kids lose focus or interest because of the length. We also ended up cutting a couple characters from the scene, such as Feste, if they lacked important lines because we know that we won’t have many kids and don’t want to have them all playing multiple parts.

I am worried and a little bit nervous about the lack of consistency that we have experienced so far because we have yet to meet with our group and do not even know if we will have more than 2 or 3 steady players for our act. Because there are two groups working with St. Joseph’s, it is hard to get enough kids for both acts, and since the other group started before us, they already have some of the kids who would be interested in acting. I am looking forward to this Thursday, and keeping my fingers crossed that everything works out. Timone, who has been helping us, is really engaged with the students at the Villa, and I am confident that he will help recruit a few of them to act with us.