Act V Youthlife

This week at youth life was very productive. I was not sure what to expect when driving to the youth life Northminster campus. On the way to the site TJ, Dylan and I almost got lost, however, we managed to find our way there in time. Upon arrival, we were greeted by Carin who introduced us to all of the students in the Youth life remix program. Our group consists of three boys and two girls between 6th and 8th grade. While they seemed to be not very enthusiastic in the beginning of the session, after a few acting exercises we seemed to get the kids excited about the play. Some of the games we played were “Zip Zap Zop” and another game where the kids had to act in an improvisational role depending on what we told them to do. We also determined the setting of our play which will take place in current times in Miami per the request of the kids. This one seemed to be particularly popular. Overall I think that our group did a great job in introducing the play and getting the kids to think about Shakespeare. I look forward to working with these students throughout the semester and anticipate a great play.