Author Archives: Chloe Zaloom

Globalization and Income Inequality

This site aims to evaluate the process of globalization and the effects it has had on global income inequality. My inspiration for researching this topic stemmed from a recent study abroad experience in Thailand. I left behind the familiarity of the Western world and studied globalization, particularly its effects on development in South East Asia. During my time abroad I was struck by how visually apparent the effects of poverty were. In Thailand and much of South-East Asia, there are either high-income educated elites or impoverished uneducated farmers and very few people in between. Furthermore, the earnings and lifestyles of the wealthy elites in the Global South pale in comparison to those in the Global North. Suddenly faced with the effects of income inequality first hand, I was prompted to learn more. Upon my return I had the opportunity, as part of a course in the Jepson School of Leadership Studies at the University of Richmond, to research a topic. I chose to pursue my curiosity and take a more in depth look at global inequality.

This page details the history of globalization and how that has led to a large disparity between the elite and impoverished groups. This page also covers ethical concerns as it relates to globalization and income inequality. Finally, this page provides some potential recommendations to addressing these ethical issues.