Moral Implications of Helping All Children

Citizens of the United States simply cannot “continue to increase [their] material wealth while ignoring the human needs of its people. Such a course is likely to lead to increasing selfishness, to alienation between the more and the less fortunate, and eventually to chaos and despair” (Seligman 2018). The overall improvement of society and equal of justice, specifically relating to identical starting points for all children, is necessary for the greatest benefit of society. “A well-ordered society [is] a scheme of cooperation for reciprocal advantage regulated by principles which persons would choose in an initial situation that is fair” (Rawls 29). A well-ordered society is also in the best interest of all who are a part of it since every child has the potential to contribute to a greater and improved society. Because people want what is best for themselves, it is in their best interest to contribute to the betterment of society, beginning with the initial position that children are born into.