During the week of March 17 – 21, the Muse Law Library will host its annual programming for Sunshine Week, a national celebration of freedom of information and transparency in government. This year, the library will host a panel discussion, as well as an end-of-week cake party.

Navigating Transparency and Efficiency: A Sunshine Week Panel on FOIA

Monday, March 17, 12:00pm Rm 171

The Muse Law Library is excited to host an upcoming event that promises to be both insightful and timely as we celebrate Sunshine Week. On Monday, March 17th, at 12:00pm, we will be holding a panel discussion titled “Navigating the Intersection of Transparency and Efficiency: The Evolving Landscape of FOIA in Virginia.” And yes, food will be provided!

Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests play a critical role in ensuring transparency in government operations. But as the legal landscape evolves and the demands on FOIA offices grow, how can we balance the need for public access to information with the need for efficient government operations? This panel will explore these questions and more, examining the unique challenges and opportunities posed by the Virginia FOIA system.

The panel will feature a diverse group of experts with vast experience in FOIA law, offering a range of perspectives on how transparency is managed within the legal system.

  • Alan Gernhardt, Executive Director of the Virginia FOIA Advisory Council
  • Andrew Bodoh, Associate at Thomas H. Roberts & Associates, PC and author of The Virginian’s Guide to FOIA
  • Charles “Chuck” Slemp, Counsel for Troutman Pepper Locke LLP, and speaker on the Virginia CLE’s Nuts and Bolts of the Virginia Freedom of Information Act
  • Eric A. Gregory, Partner at Hefty Wiley & Gore, P.C., and speaker on the Virginia CLE’s Nuts and Bolts of the Virginia Freedom of Information Act
  • Professor Rebecca Green, Professor of Law at William & Mary and Co-Director of the W&M Election Law Program, author of the recently published FOIA-Flooded Elections (85 Ohio St. L.J. 255 (2024))

Sunshine Week Cake Celebration!

Friday, March 21, Law Commons

Drop in for cake, FOIA trivia, and fun as we celebrate the end of Sunshine Week!

Sunshine Week 2025

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