Course Syllabus Archive

The Richmond Law Library team recently redesigned our Syllabus Archive  where you can find past syllabus documents for classes.  This is a great source of information for class selection to consider along with faculty advising, career planning and other sources.

To access the Syllabus Archive, you’ll need your UR NetID (and VPN connection off campus).  We provide an archive of syllabus documents from the past several academic years. Using this system, you can browse courses by title, or use any text in a course name, professor name or even term or year to filter results.  Following are screen shots showing a filtered list by title (“evidence”) or professor (“lain”) to show system improvements.

Course Syllabus Archive - Filtered by Course Title
Course Syllabus Archive – Filtered by Course Title
Course Syllabus Archive Filtered by Professor Name
Course Syllabus Archive Filtered by Professor Name

In the world of securities law, the Securities and Exchange Commission cautions that “Past Performance Is Not Indicative Of Future Results” – Along these lines, past course availability or professor, does not guarantee that future availability.  Be sure to check Banner for course availability, and consider a range of sources when selecting classes.

In addition to helping students plan their schedules, the syllabus archive may also help plan work loads and commitments. For instance, many syllabus documents show class evaluation features, such as quizzes or a mid-term.

We hope the redesigned Syllabus Archive website is a valuable resource for our law students. Whether you’re looking to plan your academic schedule, prepare for class, or simply learn more about the courses offered at UR Law, we think the archive is an excellent tool.

An Archive of Past Syllabus Documents

Michael Dickerson

Systems Administrator | Richmond Law

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