Explore HeinOnline’s database, Women and the Law (Peggy) complete with this LibGuide to help you navigate the collection. This database brings together thousands of books, biographies, and periodicals that allow users to research the progression of women’s rights over the past 200 years. Discover primary legal and political sources as well as secondary scholarly analysis of issues such as abortion, women in the workforce, the education of women, women’s suffrage, and more.

Affectionately nicknamed for the mother of Hein’s CEO (Margaret “Peggy” Marmion), this database also includes more than 70 titles from Emory University Law School’s Feminism and Legal Theory Project which provide a platform to view the effect of law and culture on the female gender.

HeinOnline is accessible via proxy while on the UR Law campus and via VPN while off campus.
Please reach out to Sam Cabo (scabo@richmond.edu) with any questions.

Dive into Women’s History Month with these titles from Hein!

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