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Aryan Jesus

Initially we were inclined to victimize the church as falling to the Nazi party and having to be submissive to them. However, …

No Quest

The era of the No Quest was a direct response to the Old-Quest. The members of the No Quest are interested in …

No Quest

No Quest criticized the Old Quest writers for creating a Jesus that resembled themselves in their time period. The Pre Quest theological …

No Quest

The No Quest period tries to dissociated itself with the Jesus of history.  The No Quest scholars do not feel the need …

Jefferson and the Old Quest (9/29)

Pre-Quest: scholars mainly accepted gospels as truth & didn’t do historical analysis; Old Quest: scholars separated historical & theological Jesus Jefferson’s Bible …

Jesus According to Jefferson

Jefferson constructed a bible with no traces of Jesus’ divinity, he focused on Jesus’ sayings, acts, moral/ethical teachings, etc this fits with …

Jefferson in the old quest!!

William Linn’s characterization of Jefferson’s bible as an attack on the Christian faith represents the distinctive divide between the pre quest and …