Solving Problems/Improving Leadership

Solving Problems/ Improving Leadership

It is really tough to determine where leadership could be improved at Memorial Sloan Kettering. I only interact with my boss, my boss’s assistant, and two other interns. I do not see my boss interact with anyone. I have not seen any informal and formal interactions of abuse of leadership. I have seen my boss interact with his assistant and he is very respectful towards her. We have definitely had operational issues but this is only due to the pandemic. It has definitely been ineffective, but it is only for us interns. I will add that I am not the biggest fan of Microsoft teams. I think the chronological order gets very difficult to keep track. I wonder what other hospitals or businesses use instead of microsoft teams. From the intern standpoint it has been very nice to collaborate with my two coworkers. They are very helpful and we hold one another accountable and help one another out. I would definitely give MSK some advice to give their interns more responsibility, but honestly, it would be unfair to give because my boss is continuing this internship for us, while the formal one was cancelled. He is doing an amazing job trying to make sure future scientists have mentors and learn how to analyze and interpret data. If there is one piece of advice I could give MSK, it would be to have more intern programs for students to apply for. The ones set in stone are very selective. There will always be a demand for scientists and future scientists need to learn outside of a textbook.