Organizational Category

Influencer Campaigns and Marketing Efforts During My Final Week at GDD

This week was our last week as an intern team at Go Dash Dot so we focused on preparing all of our files and spreadsheets so that no information was missing for Hannah and Amanda when we left. I worked on editing and drafting my final few posts that are scheduled in the next few weeks on the blog. I have a few marketing efforts that are still in the works, and I’ve agreed that if those women and brands decide to work with us, then I am happy to jump in for a brief blog project, if necessary, before the fall semester begins. We have several exciting events in the next few weeks including pop up sales, giveaways and a content photoshoot for back to school, so I also worked on creating product mood boards for one of our bags scheduled to be in the shoot.

In our final meeting Hannah and Amanda expressed their gratitude and offered us praise for being a flexible team this summer. They were also pleased to receive our feedback, as we were the first formal group of interns to be hired by the company. Over the summer we saw a tremendous growth in audience outreach and we successfully grew our brand with all-inclusive lifestyle components by adding weekly Instagram Live workouts and Female Founder Collective partnerships. They told us that our most effective and successful contribution was our organization of our influencer campaigns. In past attempts, they said that some women would receive products and never follow through with posting and promoting them on their pages. With our new program that we created, we really sought out women who had previous partnerships with reliable brands, who would also coincide with our values, and they had to agree to our partnership terms. If they had a successful campaign, we would offer them an affiliate link, which meant they could make commission on the bags they sold — this was found extremely rewarding for our sales to establish lasting and reliable partnerships.

As I built our blog to become more regular and active, I made sure to organize our company’s google drive with separate folders that included our different series, and had all of my work organized appropriately for whoever picks up the writing this fall. My work with the blog allowed me to practice my interviewing and writing skills as a journalist, and with the video interview component, it strengthened my on camera public speaking skills. We found that the addition of the videos to our blog pages brought in more viewers and gave our audience an interactive, behind-the-scenes, feel to our team.

I’m thankful for the experience and lessons that I learned through working with Go Dash Dot, and I believe it has even further solidified my want to be in the magazine, creative editorial industry when searching for jobs this year.