Theories in Action

It’s Like an Exchange, but It Comes with Benefits

Messick’s theory of leadership was at play for the duration of my internship. I connected my experiences to this theory within the first few weeks of interning with Academic Writers Studio. By joining a small dedicated staff of two leaders passionate about higher education reform, I became a follower in the sense that I gave to and took from them. The taking started the moment that I started my interview with my supervisors, Laura, and Berkeley. Because I had never heard of Academic Writers Studio, I was looking for more information about them, their mission, and purpose. I received some of this information during that interview, but I received more of it in completing the various tasks that my internship required. Because so many of my functions were project-based, Laura, Berkeley, and I participated in mostly daily meetings that served as check-ins. During these meetings, we discussed a variety of things, the most important of which were my “marching orders” for the day of the week. In the early moments of my internship, when I knew little about the company, they provided me with detailed information that helped me understand essential aspects of Academic Writers Studio–like the company voice and audience. Early into my internship, I was gung ho about making the body copy of the website more concise, but I felt some resistance from Laura. I didn’t understand that resistance until she explained that academics prefer long-form text and content. I accepted the comment as something to protect and secure my ability to perform, and it allowed me to become an active achiever. Working with Berkeley and Laura, I felt at home and gained a lot of pride and confidence. And in return for that pride and confidence, I dedicated myself to Academic Writers Studio for ten weeks and possibly more depending on my availability during the 2020-2021 academic year. Laura and Berkeley and my internship allowed me to channel and focus my passions for graphic design, writing, and higher education reform into various projects and tasks that required me to make a significant effort. I worked alongside individuals that care about the drastic state of education, and because of that work, I lost a few hours of sleep–but it’s nothing worth complaining about. I’m reluctant to define myself as obedient, but because of everything that Laura, Berkeley, and Academic Writers Studio have given me, I do have much respect for them.