Organizational Category

Telehealth and CEO-Intern Relationships

As InSight (Telepsychiatry) + Regroup is a company that serves consumers via telehealth, much of the communication across all divisions is through email and teleconferencing. Typically on Thursday mornings, the head of each division (i.e. Scheduled Services, On-Demand, or Inpathy) gives an update to the entire company via Blue Jeans, which is an application similar to Zoom that our company has been utilizing for years. BlueJeans is used very frequently throughout the entire company as a large portion of employees works remotely. For example, Kathryn who is a leader on our Inpathy team moved out of New Jersey and was still able to participate in all of our daily meetings from her home even though there is not an office near her. On the consumer side of the company, virtual meetings are also the primary form of communication. InSight’s mission is to make consumers’ mental health experience more accessible; using telehealth allows consumers to participate in sessions with their provider from the comfort of their own home without having to travel to a facility. This is very convenient for consumers who are not in the mental state to leave their homes but are still in great need of therapy or psychiatry appointments.

As I am a returning intern, I have been able to analyze relationships and communication between various employees. The relationship the CEO of InSight+ Regroup has with the other employees is particularly interesting. He does not take much interest in those that work under him, which certainly results in a not so positive view that employees hold of him. In the past, and prior to recent COVID regulations, my desk was located directly in front of the entrance to the building, so I took on the role of greeting everyone when they walked inside. Rarely did the CEO acknowledge the other people he walked past to get to his office or me, whom he saw multiple times a day. In fact, he never took the time to learn the other interns and my names, even though our desks were directly outside his office. Although the CEO is not the most welcoming, most of the other employees in the office building, whether they work with each other directly or not, are very kind and courteous to one another. These relationships that the employees have built with each other across the company is a strength that keeps the company running smoothly.