Manoj Bhargava: Plans to Change the World

Manoj Bhargava is a name that few people would know if you brought it up in conversation. The billionaire CEO of 5 Hour Energy has never made crazy headlines, acquiring his wealth and keeping to himself. This is slowly starting to change. Realizing the perils our earth and global population are facing he has dedicated his life (and fortune) to combatting three areas he believes to be the biggest determinants in our problems today. Clean water, clean energy, and a healthy body are the areas he is currently focusing on.

With billions of people on this planet struggling to find clean drinking water this area is arguably the most impactful of the three. Desalinazation is the main goal in his clean water project. Manoj’s team has created a machine that takes sea water and converts it to pure drinking water. The energy used to heat the water in the beginning of the desalinization process is released and the end and recycled back in to the system causing little to no pollution in the process.

The next area Manoj is focusing on is clean energy. Billions of people are without access to electricity “still living as if it is 2,000 years ago,” and billions that do have access only have it for an hour or so a day. Manoj’s team has created a bike powered turbine with the ability to generate fairly large quantities of clean energy. Linking many of these systems together can create enough energy to power small villages. Not only do these bikes create energy but they also are beneficial to the user’s health, an added bonus.

Finally, increasing people’s health and ability to fight diseases. One theory on health is that the majority of ailments can be traced back to blood flow. Creating a machine that wraps around the users legs, helping their blood pump more smoothly and efficiently in theory can help the user to avoid many of the major diseases that are responsible for the most amount of death today, i.e heart disease, blood clots etc.

While these projects are all extremely revolutionary, I’m betting that this is the first you are hearing of Manoj Bhargava and his projects. The free 45 minute documentary on him and his work called “Billions in Change” is located right on YouTube for all to see. This video only has 2.6 million views in the 2 months it has been online. To put that in to perspective, in the 4 months that Justin Bieber’s new hit titled “What Do You Mean” has been online, it has received 386 million views. While public opinion in the last few decades has shifted to focusing on the damage we are causing to our climate and the inequalities between the wealthiest and poorest humans there is still much to be done. Discussion is the only way to come up with solutions for the problems and to discuss them you have to know at least a little about the topic. The more people who know about Manoj Bhargava’s projects the more people will be willing to help in some way. To learn more about these projects and Manoj’s other ideas please watch the documentary below.

Billions in Change:

What Do You Mean: