Trump to handle our foreign affairs?


Is Donald Trump really as crazy as he portrays or is it all a publicity stunt to position himself atop the Republican candidates for President. In an interview with Stephen Colbert Trump talks about the 5-6 billion dollar wall he plans to build along the US and Mexican border. Not to mention he said he is going to have the Mexicans build the worlds largest wall since the completion of the Great Wall of China. What I can’t seem to understand just yet is if he is really crazy enough to actually build said wall or if everything that comes out of his mouth is one big publicity stunt. It is crazy to think of the possibility that this ex business mastermind and newly turned politician could be the head of the United States of America in just over one year. Donald Trump would be handling our foreign affairs with countries such as Mexico, Russia and China. China who is holding the largest amount of American debt compared to any world power at 8 percent or 1.2 trillion dollars. They are also taking massive leaps forward with their military strength and nearing mass productions of nuclear warheads. The singular thought that convinced me to write my first blog post on Donald Trump was the thought of him trying to negotiate terms with Vladimir Putin over dinner. Trump truly has put together one of the most unbelievable campaigns I have seen in my time since I began to follow politics. He fires up the American people, tells them want they want to hear and has the knowledge to portray himself as a veteran politician. Check out the video and let me know what you would think of Trump handling our foreign affairs with nations such as China, Russia and all middle eastern states. Would he or would he not be able to handle our international relations?