Refugees Revitalizing Detroit

With the current focus in the media on Syrian refugees I was curious as to what America’s standpoint was on the issue. With the current civil war taking place in Syria many families have been displaced and it has become a global issue to find countries willing to take in the victims. This Article by The New York Times suggests that the refugees from Syria could actually be beneficial to the United States. The article describes Detroit as an “Urban Vacuum” with a declining population and discusses the idea of allowing Syrian refugees to repopulate and revitalize the area. It also cites other similar cases in which this has proven effective (Bosnian refugees settling in Utica, NY). On the other hand, the common immigration issue of assimilation is brought up as a downside to the plan. Other skeptics claim the refugees will likely leave the area once they achieve a certain level of economic stability. Personally, I thought this was a great resolution to the Collective Goods Problem. While it is easy to be sympathetic to the situation the Syrians are currently in, it is difficult for a country to formulate a real way to help without encountering issues such as the cost of the aid needed. With the Detroit idea not only has the United States found a way to help the refugees, the process itself would in turn help a declining community. Of course, the plan is not perfect and the United States would still encounter costs associated with helping the refugees, but the end result could be a win-win for both the refugees and America. I am interested in hearing if anyone else has any thoughts on whether this Detroit plan is a viable option for helping Syrian refugees. Also, any thoughts in general having to do with the Syrian refugee crisis. Does America (or any other country) have a responsibility to help?

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